starsky 20.08.2010, 23:28
Probleme mit dem Mitsubishi Carisma, dann kann dir hier geholfen werden.
(Technische Informationen & Details zu Motoren und Ausstattung findest du unter Carisma-Daten, häufig gestellte Fragen unter Carisma-FAQ.)
Moderator: Werkstattmeister
1/3 20.08.2010, 23:28

Hi all and sorry for my post, i know this is a german post and im suppose to talk german in it, but truth is, i suck at german so i will try this in english :)

I saw in the FAQ ( - "Bordcomputer (Facelift) - Rest-Km Anzeige ohne originalem Mitsubishi Radio"

That its possible to restore the functionality of the onboard computer (average speed, km left).

How do i do it? I tried to translate it with google translate but i didnt really understand it :(

Is it like:
- Engine off
- Press left button (the blank one)
- Put the car on Ignition ( not start the engine)
- Depress button ?

Thanks in advance for any help and sorry again for writing in english, the bad thing is that this trick is only avaible on this site :)
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Werbe/Affililink * 02.05.2024, 23:42
2/3 21.08.2010, 08:02

Hey man, welcome to our site.

It makes us a kind of proud, that this "trick" can only be found here :D

So I'll try to translate properly for you:

- the ignition should be off at least a short time (maybe half an hour or so)
- press the left button (the black one) and hold it
- turn the key to ignition but don't start the engine, still hold the black button
- when the display is working, push the "set" button (while still holding the black button) on the right to set your deserved indication (km to go, average speed or consumption per 100km)

I hope this helpes you a little. And don't mind to write english, feel free to do so.

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3/3 25.09.2010, 20:14

xx_angel77_xx hat am 21.08.2010, 09:02:Hey man, welcome to our site.

It makes us a kind of proud, that this "trick" can only be found here :D

So I'll try to translate properly for you:

- the ignition should be off at least a short time (maybe half an hour or so)
- press the left button (the black one) and hold it
- turn the key to ignition but don't start the engine, still hold the black button
- when the display is working, push the "set" button (while still holding the black button) on the right to set your deserved indication (km to go, average speed or consumption per 100km)

I hope this helpes you a little. And don't mind to write english, feel free to do so.


Thanks, it worked great! :D
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Werbe/Affililink * 02.05.2024, 23:42
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