good evening!!
the manual says 90000 klm replace timing belt
i have done 72000 from 10/2102 228400 and now i have 300 450
what do yo think? must replace it or i can wait for 90000 klm??
carisma 1600 facelift
Facelift about timing belt
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carisma1600 10.12.2017, 00:26
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- 26.12.2014
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- carisma1600
the timing belt has to be replaced after 90000km or 6 years, depending on what comes first.
When did the last replacement happen? If it has happened 72000km ago you're still fine.
Timewise you have to replace the belt in 10/2018 (you wrote 10/2102 but I guess you mean 2012?).
Distancewise you have to replace it at around 320000km.
the timing belt has to be replaced after 90000km or 6 years, depending on what comes first.
When did the last replacement happen? If it has happened 72000km ago you're still fine.
Timewise you have to replace the belt in 10/2018 (you wrote 10/2102 but I guess you mean 2012?).
Distancewise you have to replace it at around 320000km.
i m sorry my friend i mean 10/2012!its ok finally? i have one more year
(geschrieben per Mobile Phone)
(geschrieben per Mobile Phone)
- carisma1600
- Fahrschüler
- 26.12.2014
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- carisma1600
Yes its OK, til 10/2018. so long you dont ride more than 18.000km
carisma1600 schrieb:11.12.2017, 06:12i m sorry my friend i mean 10/2012!its ok finally? i have one more year
(geschrieben per Mobile Phone)
You're still ok. In case you meant 2002 it would be a little too late.

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