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Re: Carisma DIY videos

Hallo Leute!

I'm back again!

I finally got around to do another video. I'm sorry it's taking me this long to make them, but with work and life I'm stretched pretty thin. This time, I'm trying a bit of a voice over, doing a headlight restoration. The lights on my car were in very bad condition, I could barely see at night and I could barely see at night, so I had to do something about it. The course of action was to attack them with the 3M headlight restoration kit.

This video isn't meant to be an all encompassing guide, I think there are many many other videos that do a much much better job at that, I tried to hit the main points, but I'm still rough at this.

Thank you for watching, comments are welcome!


Thank you very much! Vielen Dank!
von CavemanGorak
24.03.2016, 22:54
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