What is this?

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Macheto 11.12.2005, 01:09
Hier kann man sich über allgemeine Dinge rund um Mitsubishi unterhalten (kein Tuning, Styling oder Problem).
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Moderator: Werkstattmeister
1/6 11.12.2005, 01:09


I have found this photo surfing in web. But does anybody knows what is this? Is it a turbo? Where can we buy it? How much power can we gain?
Is it necessary to modify the ECU?

carisma-x-evogdi7.jpg (135.1 KiB) 2161x betrachtet
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Werbe/Affililink * 12.06.2024, 23:02
2/6 11.12.2005, 05:00

Hi Macheto.
At first it is necessary to modify the ECU but just for the DID Engines. (as i know)
Everything i can see on the Picture is the Battery, much cables and a modified air intake *that looks shitty*. The modified air intake makes your car MUCH LOUDER... but doesnt bring any other effects (except of higher fuel-bills, caused by the wish to here the sound of pushing the gas ;D).

I think there are Turbos for the Carisma made by the Company "garrett" but I didn't search for it yet...

Hope I could help you and please excuse my bad English. I'm tired & drunk.
mfg Freddy
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3/6 11.12.2005, 14:11

Hey man... :wink:

I think this Cari is modified by a czech guy. If my memories are correct i think this is a kind of mini turbo or something...

It's a kind of air intake - turbo system. I've read this @ a site with the picture.

ECU tuning for the GDI is imposible at this time. I can't remember anyone has a working chip or something. It's because of the variable injection of this engine type. It regulates the relationship of air fuel mixture and the injected mixes.

A ECU tuning chip raises the injected mixes of a engine.

So you can see it can't work. The ECU tuning chip can't make something better then it already is.

Only Way to raise HP is to modify the engine. Raise capacity, modifiing the cam shafts, install a working turbo and these things.

Here I have a guy who raised his HP to round about 160HP. I can#'t translate this stuff correct, but he has modified many things.

Lil Evo
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4/6 11.12.2005, 21:16

Hi again,

i still wrote it, but here is a link to a chiptuning-page:

Click Here!

On this page you have to go to Chiptuning --> Chipdatenbank -->
and there you can select your car.

But i think it ist too much money for too less kW/PS.

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5/6 11.12.2005, 21:56

If this works, i didn't say anithing
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6/6 12.12.2005, 01:18

Cool...on the one hand that would be 7Hp more than I have now....on the other hand 699€ isn´t that cheap... must check my account... oh no... :td: :? :_(
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Werbe/Affililink * 12.06.2024, 23:02
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